World of Fletnern Wiki

My name is Guiseppe Vilvaldo O’Connerghy, but you can call me Guido, everybody does.  My mother was Latvich and my father was Bortish, so naturally I grew up a little confused.  I was comfortable in neither culture, so I went on the road.  My father taught me the fiddle, while my mother taught me to sing.  They may have performed calmly in churches and at festivals, but I learned very quickly to speed up the tempo and make them more tavern appropriate.

I cannot say I’ve been all over the world, but I’ve seen a lot of taverns and covered more miles than most.  Does that make me the best person to tell you about these vital crossroads of cultures and happiness?  Maybe not the best, but definitely one of the best!  And that is what I hope to do - Tell you about the taverns so you can better understand the culture of the people who inhabit them every night.
