World of Fletnern Wiki

Legends tell that on nights when the two moons, Beagodon and Seuwis, are in conjunction (both full), two mysterious floating doors appear somewhere in the world.  They have appeared in every terrain and climate, including out in the middle of the oceans.  The doors exist for the length of the conjunction (usually only an hour and a half).  People can enter these golden doors at any time during their appearance.

Those who have entered and returned tell of a grand hall with an eternal party.  So great and wondrous is this party that many who enter choose not to return.  There is a trick to this party though.  The feast hall has many doors.  Those who leave through a door other than the one they entered can find themselves anywhere in the world.  This implies that more than a single set of doors appears during the conjunctions.  It is entirely possible that some of the doors lead to other worlds, and those mistakenly choosing the wrong door might wind up on entirely different worlds.

No one who has ever decided to stay past the end of the conjunction has ever been seen again.  It would seem that someone who decided to stay at the party should be able to leave again during the next conjunction, but so far this has not been proven.  Because of this, many believe that this is a trap to lure slaves, most likely by the titans.  Many other theories exist, but there is no proof supporting any of the explanations.
